Think of situation when you are working with a shared Linux hosting. All you have been grant is only a FTP to transfer web stuffs. Mean that composer won't be available to use anymore. Now, all of stuffs are uploaded to a Web server. First time you surf into any of path of a project, the "HTTP 500 Internal Server Error" may show out to the screen with no clues.
A web browser shows that HTTP ERROR 500 message. |
This problem is caused by permission issue that should be set properly to the folder.
In an example, a Laravel version is 5.4 (which is the newest for now).
From root folder, look for a Storage folder. It is a logged files folder. With a default permission set of value, a web server is not be able to write errors in it. To fix this issue you have to manually give permissions for the group as 777 to /storage/framework/sessions and /storage/logs so both your login user and web server user can write to that log in the folders.
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